Meet our Workshop Presenters!
OSHA Electronic Recordkeeping
Presented by Valerie Struve, Program Analyst, US DOL OSHA
In 2018, covered establishments must submit injury information from their completed 2017 Form 300A by July 1, 2018. Beginning in 2019 and every year thereafter, covered establishments must submit the information by March 2. During this workshop, OSHA will explain which establishments are covered and how to submit the data online. The presentation will also cover which cases are OSHA-recordable. At the end of the presentation, there will be a question and answer period for general OSHA recordkeeping issues.
This workshop will be held Tuesday, June 26, in Bossa Nova 1, from 8:00 – 9:30 am

Introduction to using PLAN-DO-CHECK-ACT (PDCA) Methodology to Improve your Self-Inspection Program
Presented by Stuart Mirowitz, DrPH, CIH, CSP, FAIHA
The Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycleprovides a simple but effective approach for problem solving and continuous improvement, ensuring that ideas are appropriately tested before committing to full implementation. This workshop will highlight key factors of using the PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) model to improve safety and health self-inspection program.
Initial plans for improvement generated a: revised inspector training program; group of mentors for those who are new to conducting inspections; and revised the inspection documentation. This resulted in improved employee engagement and hazard recognition.
This workshop will be held Tuesday June 26, in Bossa Nova 1, from 10:00 – 11:30 am

The OSHA Training Institute (OTI) Education Centers Program - Making an Impact on Worker Safety and Health for 25 Years
Presented by Koshy Koshy, PhD (Region II Atlantic OSHA Training Center, Rutgers School of Public Health)
The OSHA Training Institute (OTI) Education Center has had a tremendous impact on worker safety and health throughout the country. This presentation will provide an overview of the program as well as review its mission and impact. As the program started its 25th year on October 1, 2017, it’s important to reflect on successes as well as opportunities in the coming year. This presentation will also provide an overview of other programs at Rutgers, including the new Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Concentration Master in Public Health.
This workshop will be held Tuesday June 26, in Bossa Nova 1, from 12:30 – 2:00 pm

VPP Manager Workshop
Presented by Richard Brown, VPP Manager, US DOL OSHA
This workshop will provide an opportunity for a program update for VPP participants from the VPP Manager. There will also be an update for current Special Government Employees. There will be a question and answer session for the group, and the VPP Manager will be available afterwards to answer any individual questions. This year, a significant portion of the workshop will be devoted to VPP self-evaluations. We will discuss how to improve annual submissions and how to use VPP self-evaluations as a tool to drive continuous improvement.
This workshop will be held Tuesday June 26, in Bossa Nova 1, from 2:15 - 3:45 pm

Your Professional Development: On The Path Towards Becoming A Better Safety & Health Professional
Presented by Brian Bennett and Norman Deitch (EHS Excellence Consulting, LLC)
The local fire inspector has called and scheduled an inspection of your facility in the upcoming days. You want to prepare, but you are not sure of what things the inspector will be looking for. Using photographs from previous inspections, an experience Fire Inspector will give you insights into what issues will likely be focused on during the inspection, some common violations that are found in workplaces, and what you can do to properly prepare for an inspections.
This workshop will be held Tuesday June 26, in Bossa Nova 3, from 10:00 - 11:30 am

NAES – Two Locations Sharing Two Best Practices:
Logan’s Generating will be presenting on Back Pass Buddy, and Carney’s Point will be presenting on Safety Comes Home
Presented by Rebecca Early, Joe Lucas, Mike Holick, Doug Fearon – Logan Generating, NJ and Paul Diedrichson, Vito Cox, Buzz Ryder – Carney’s Point, NJ
“Back Pass Buddy” One of the operation crews at Logan Generating came up with this idea and presented it to their shift supervisor. The idea was to utilize a mechanical device to clean ash from the back pass area of the boiler for inspections verses employees climbing in and out to clean with a fire hose.
“Safety Comes Home” People are three times more likely to be hurt off the job than while at work. Bringing safety home it is not just the right choice for you, but influencing family, friends, and impacting your community, makes it the right decision for everyone.
This workshop will be held Tuesday June 26, in Bossa Nova 2, from 10:00 - 11:30 am

Situational Awareness Exercises, Games, and Test to Heighten Your Senses . . . .
Presented by Robert Sagendorf, CSP, ASP, CHST, CRIS (EII, Inc.)
Situational awareness is being aware of what is happening around you in terms of where you are, where you are supposed to be, and whether anyone or anything around you is a threat to your health and safety. This interactive “hands on – team drive” workshop will engage all of your senses in several job site scenarios/hazard identification and discuss tactics to heighten situational awareness to include the “SLAM” technique.
This workshop will be held Tuesday June 26, in Bossa Nova 2, from 12:30 – 2:00 pm

Survive an Active Shooter Event
Presented by Brian Bennett and Norman Deitch (EHS Excellence Consulting, LLC)
Active shooter incidents are becoming all too common. These incidents are often unpredictable and evolve very quickly. This workshop will discuss common facility vulnerabilities that exist that can be exploited by a shooter to maximize attack effectiveness, and what you can do to reduce the likelihood of an attack. Information will be presented on what actions can be taken in response to an attack to protect employees and increase their chances of survival. The workshop will also address basic security enhancements that can be made to make your workplace more secure and less vulnerable to criminal activity or terrorist attacks.
This workshop will be held Tuesday June 26, in Bossa Nova 2, from 2:15 - 3:45 pm

Killing Conditions – Why They Continue
Presented by TJ Lyons, OHST, CSP (Total Facility Solutions – A company of the M+W Group)
Honest discussions with the audience on outdated construction work traditions and why now is the right time for change. Discussed in plain terms and example, TJ offers methods to eliminate outdated conditions that are hurting or killing workers on our projects. Conditions we overlook on a construction site – though simple conversation and contractual provisions would prevent injuries or death. Ten opportunities including a topic few ae willing to discuss. All offered to save your schedule, profits and lives. Most if not all the interventions offered will keep our sons and daughters unhurt for little or no money.
This workshop will be held, Tuesday, June 26, in Bossa Nova 3, from 8:00 – 9:30 am

Managing Contractors at VPP Sites
Presented by Brian Bennett and Norman Deitch (EHS Excellence Consulting, LLC)
Contractors can make or break your participation in the VPP. Improperly selected, trained, and managed contractors can lead to increased injuries and significant incidents. This workshop will cover various best practices regarding the use of contractors at VPP Worksites. Topics covered include: Developing an effective contractor safety and health management systems; selection and approval of contractors; training of contractors; auditing of contractors; and integration of contractors into your overall safety and health system. Attendees will learn various techniques that can be employed to ensure contractors work at least as safe as your own employees and are a valued VPP partner.
This workshop will be held, Tuesday, June 26, in Bossa Nova 3, from 10:00 - 11:30 am

Aerial Work Platforms & Fall Protection
Presented by Lawrence G. White, Mathew E. White, and Randy A. White, (L.G. White Safety Corporation)
L.G. White Safety Corporation’s’ Presentation will cover both Aerial Work Platform and Fall Protection information. The Aerial Work Platform portion of the course will cover OSHA standards, pre-use inspections, types of aerial lifts, training requirements, selecting the right lift, inspections, safety and shutdown procedures, and fall protection while working on an aerial lift. The Fall Protection portion of the course will cover OSHA standards for railings, safety nets, covers, and personal fall arrest systems. The course will also include information about fall protection equipment inspections, ABCD’s of fall protection, and the difference between active and passive fall protection solutions. L.G. White Safety will bring to the course examples of commercially available fall protection equipment for demonstration.
This workshop will be held, Tuesday, June 26, in Bossa Nova 3, from 12:30 - 2:00 pm
HOP Human Organizational Performance & Predictive Analytics
Presented by Walt Peters and Mark Strife (Securus, LLC)
Human and Organizational Performance
Human and Organizational Performance or “HOP” takes a risk based approach to reducing events that are caused by human error. HOP is not a behavior based safety program or any program for that matter, but instead a strategic approach to managing risk and error at critical points in operations. By focusing on how the system or organization influences the behavior of employees and the building of defenses around these critical points we can best protect assets and reduce the frequency and severity of events associated with injuries, environmental releases, operational upsets and product defects.
Predictive Analytics
Predictive Analytics hypothesizes that a set of independent variables are statistically correlated with a desired outcome. For example, when predicting the frequency and severity of motor vehicle accidents, variables such as speed, routes taken, and time of drive are analyzed. A regression analysis is performed to see just how correlated each variable is, which usually requires some iteration to find the right combination of variables and the best model. In using regression equations, an analyst can then use the regression coefficients—the degree to which each variable affects the behavior—to create a score predicting the likelihood of a motor vehicle accident. This same analysis can be performed to better predict the frequency and severity of events associated with injuries, environmental releases, operational upsets and product defects.
This workshop will be held, Tuesday, June 26, in Bossa Nova 3, from 2:15 - 3:45 pm

Strengthening Star Quality - Post Forum Workshop
Presented by Robert Brynes, Vice Chapter Chairperson, (Wheelabrator) and Brenda Wiederkehr, CSC, Chapter Chairperson (Access Health Systems)
This workshop offers experienced VPP participants a unique opportunity to exchange ideas and discover fresh approaches to meeting the requirements for VPP re-approvals. The workshop focuses on "continuous improvement" in your safety and health performance to reach new levels of excellence.
At this workshop, participants will share ideas on:
how to maintain employee enthusiasm and involvement in the VPP
how to make the annual evaluation work for you
how other VPP worksites are maintaining the level of commitment needed for VPP
what OSHA is looking for in the VPP re-certification
This workshop will be held, Wednesday, June 27, in APEX #1 , 68th Floor Havana Tower, from 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Respirable Crystalline Silica - Post Forum Workshop
Presented by Kevin O'Brien, Chapter Treasurer (Access Health Systems)
This workshop will clearly identify the health hazards associated with respirable crystalline silica exposure. How are employees exposed? What activities put workers at increased risk? What control measures can be put in place to limit exposure? When is air sampling required? How is Table 1 used to develop safe work practices? We will tackle the questions and more. This course is designed to provide a solid foundation in the essential elements of the standard. The particulate in question is 100 times smaller than a grain of sand. The adverse health effects (ex. Silicosis, lung cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) is 100% preventable. This will cover both the Construction 29 CFR 1926.1153 & the General Industry Standards 29 CFR 1910.1053.
This workshop will be held, Wednesday, June 27, in APEX #2, 68th Floor Havana Tower, from 8:00 am - 4:00 pm