Trainings & Events
SGE Training
"The Special Government Employee (SGE) Program was established to allow industry employees to work alongside OSHA during Voluntary Protection Programs' (VPP) onsite evaluations. Not only does this innovative program benefit OSHA by supplementing its on-site evaluation teams, but it gives industry and government an opportunity to work together and share views and ideas.
Qualified volunteers from VPP sites are eligible to participate in the SGE program. These volunteers must be approved by OSHA and funded by their companies to participate. After submitting an application and completing the required training, these volunteers are sworn in as SGEs and are approved to assist as VPP on-site evaluation team members.
As VPP grows, the support of SGEs will continue to be a critical component of the programs. The SGE Program encompasses the spirit of VPP - industry, labor, and government cooperation. This cooperation embodies the idea of continuous improvement, which allows SGEs to bring a unique perspective to the team effort and take back to their sites ideas and best practices to further improve worker protections."
Source: OSHA
Membership / Board Meetings
VPP 101 Presentation

This is the new VPP 101 powerpoint presentation from the VPPPA for everyone to use. We will uploading this presentation on the VPPPA website for everyone to download and use. Please feel free to post this on your website as well. Additionally, feel free to distribute this presentation to anyone you feel it may benefit.
This presentation is designed to be self-taught (by reading through it) or instructor led (by using the speaker notes). As we wanted to ensure this material would not be altered (to maintain its accuracy) and stayed current, we have protected this presentation.
For anyone opening the presentation it will display the below prompt first. The user will need to select the Read Only option to open the presentation. They will not have the ability to edit the information in this option but will be able to view the presentation.
Please note that we are encouraging all VPP application workshop attendees to review this presentation BEFORE attending the VPP application workshop. This will hopefully help application workshop attendees become familiar with the very basics of VPP before learning much more about VPP during the application workshop.
We hope you find this new VPP 101 presentation very useful and informative.
Active Shooter Information and Resources
The protection of the public and New Jersey’s critical infrastructure from all-hazards threats is a shared responsibility between the NJ Office of Homeland Security & Preparedness (OHSP), local, county, state, federal partners, the public and private sector partners who own and operate vital assets and facilities. OHSP works with other government agencies to strengthen public and private sector operations by securing critical infrastructure and assisting owners and operators to prepare for threats from all hazards, including events like an active shooter. In light of the two recent active shooter events in Aurora, Colorado and Oak Creek, Wisconsin, this email contains information, products and training on active shooter that are available to you at no cost. The following items are contained with this document:
1. Best Practice Protocols for Physical Security Concerns
2. Educating the Public on the 5 Phases of an Active Shooter
3. A brief (6 minute) video entitled RUN, HIDE, FIGHT, developed by the City of Houston, Texas
4. DHS online Active Shooter course IS-907 (no cost)
5. Active Shooter resource material
6. Active Shooter conferences to develop a response plan for your facility
David Leonardis
OHSP Operations Division
Ph: 609-584-4813
Cell: 609-462-7045
Regional Operations Intelligence Center
Fusion Liaison & Intelligence Training Unit
Office: 609-963-6239
VPPPA Region 2 Conference
Our 2024 conference has already taken place!
Please check back for information
regarding the 2025 conference!