Winter officially starts on December, Friday 21st. Please see the US Fire Administration email below for some home fire safety information you may want to pass along to your coworkers. The residential building portion of the fire problem is of great national importance as it accounts for the vast majority of civilian casualties. Some highlights from the report:
· Each year, from 2014 to 2016, an estimated 108,200 winter residential building fires were reported to fire departments within the United States. These fires caused an estimated 980 deaths, 3,575 injuries, and $1.9 billion in property loss.
· At 43 percent, cooking was the leading cause of winter residential building fires. Small, confined fires accounted for 90 percent of these cooking fires.
· Winter residential building fires occurred most frequently in the early evening, peaking during the dinner hours from 5 to 8 p.m., when cooking fire incidence is high.
Thank you for participating in the Voluntary Protection Program.
For the report mentioned in the US Fire Administration email, view: