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Summer Safety Forum Workshop Highlight: HOP Human Organizational Performance & Predictive Analyt

Writer's picture: Region IIRegion II

Presented by Walt Peters and Mark Strife (Securus, LLC)

Human and Organizational Performance

Human and Organizational Performance or “HOP” takes a risk based approach to reducing events that are caused by human error. HOP is not a behavior based safety program or any program for that matter, but instead a strategic approach to managing risk and error at critical points in operations. By focusing on how the system or organization influences the behavior of employees and the building of defenses around these critical points we can best protect assets and reduce the frequency and severity of events associated with injuries, environmental releases, operational upsets and product defects.

Predictive Analytics

Predictive Analytics hypothesizes that a set of independent variables are statistically correlated with a desired outcome. For example, when predicting the frequency and severity of motor vehicle accidents, variables such as speed, routes taken, and time of drive are analyzed. A regression analysis is performed to see just how correlated each variable is, which usually requires some iteration to find the right combination of variables and the best model. In using regression equations, an analyst can then use the regression coefficients—the degree to which each variable affects the behavior—to create a score predicting the likelihood of a motor vehicle accident. This same analysis can be performed to better predict the frequency and severity of events associated with injuries, environmental releases, operational upsets and product defects.

This workshop will be held, Tuesday, June 26, in Bossa Nova 3, from 2:15 - 3:45 pm

More details on other workshops and details of the Summer Safety Forum can be found here:

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