Submit a Workshop Proposal for the National Conference!
Region II SGEs:
"FYI – The VPPPA is currently looking for workshop proposals for their National Conference (please see the email chain below).
Remember that speaking at a VPPPA Regional or National Conference is an option for SGE qualifying activities. Copied from the SGE Manual:
V. Qualifying Activities. In order for an SGE to be reapproved, the SGE must have been actively involved in the VPP within his/her previous term of service. To gain reapproval, the SGE must have performed a minimum of three (3) Qualifying Activities. One of the three Qualifying Activities must have been participation on a VPP On-site Evaluation Team.
1. Qualifying Activities include the following:
a) Participate on a VPP On-site Evaluation Team (minimum requirement of one).
b) Assist the Regional VPP Manager with the review of a site's VPP application.
c) Assist the Regional VPP Manager with the review of VPP sites' annual self-evaluation report.
d) Serve as an instructor/co-instructor for the SGE Course.
e) Serve as an instructor/co-instructor for the VPP Application Workshop.
f) Provide on-site mentoring to a potential or reapproving VPP site.
g) Present a VPP or related safety and health topic at a Regional or National VPPPA Conference.
And if you are interested in presenting at the 26-28 JUN 2017 Region 2 VPPPA Conference, you can submit the attached form to Ms. Brenda Wiederkehr at .
Thank you for your service as Special Government Employees."
(This is shared from an email sent to the Region 2 VPP Sites from Richard F. Brown, CSP, CFPS, VPP Manager, US DOL OSHA)"