The Region II VPPPA Board has announced the Region II 2016 SGE of the Year nominee: Mr. Ronald Rogers of DA Collins Companies located in Wilton, New York.
In 2015, OSHA Region II offered 56 Special Government Employee (SGE) opportunities during VPP evaluations in our region, and 27 of our SGEs answered the call 35 times. Mr. Rogers participated in three (3) VPP evaluations in 2015, in addition to two (2) VPP evaluations during the previous year. He is a dependable team member and knowledgeable in safety and health, especially in construction safety issues. Mr. Rogers has been an SGE since January of 2014.
Mr. Rogers is currently the D.A. Collins Corporate Safety Director responsible for safety compliance (OSHA Standards, MSHA Standards, DOT Standards, DA Collins Companies Safety Policies), contractor safety, and the Wilton office campus site safety. He has worked for DA Collins Companies for over three (3) years. He is the Wilton campus Emergency Response Manager. He serves as the chair at the DA Collins Companies VPP core team. He oversees the safety and health management for three (3) current VPP participants: DA Collins Construction Mobile Workforce, DA Collins Environmental Mobile Workforce, and DA Collins Wilton Shop. The DA Collins Companies have been VPP participants since February of 2009. He is currently mentoring a semi private/public golf course country club in the VPP elements and worker safety.
Mr. Rogers has a diverse 28-year safety background in general industry and construction. He has worked as a lead safety specialist for multiple projects in environmental remediation, as well as local atomic power laboratories and training facilities (including contractor oversite at a local computer chip plant erection). He is an active member of multiple organizations such as ASSE (American Society of Safety Engineers), NASP (National Association of Safety Professionals), NFPA (National Fire Protection Association), and NSC (National Safety Council). He has organized multiple OSHA Fall Protection Stand Down events at multiple worksites, for a total of 75% of the DA Collins Companies total workforce of approximately 500 workers. Mr. Rogers also supports multiple events put on by fall protection vendors, soft dig vendors, equipment vendors, etc. at the Wilton Campus location. These events have been made available to many local competitor companies as well as state, county, and municipal government employees (including New York State Police Troop G, local highway departments in Saratoga County, and the Wilton Rescue Squad) for safety training and educational purposes.