Region 2 VPP Sites:
"The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has issued an “Instruction” describing policies and procedures for the continued implementation of a National Emphasis Program (NEP) to identify and reduce or eliminate amputation hazards in manufacturing industries. OSHA’s enforcement history shows that employees are often injured when machinery or equipment is not properly guarded or maintained. This NEP targets industrial and manufacturing workplaces having machinery and equipment that can potentially cause amputations.
OSHA Instruction: CPL 03-00-022, National Emphasis Program on Amputations in Manufacturing Industries, is now available:
Directive Type: OSHA Instruction
Directive number: CPL 03-00-022
Directive subject: National Emphasis Program on Amputations in Manufacturing Industries
Effective Date: 12/10/2019
Cancellation/Archive including PDF: CPL 03-00-019, National Emphasis Program on Amputations, August 13, 2015
To support the purpose of this NEP, OSHA is beginning a three-month period of education and prevention outreach to encourage employers to bring their facilities into compliance with OSHA standards. Additional outreach and compliance assistance material will be forthcoming in the near future. Please consider sharing this information with your contractors, vendors, customers, and safety colleagues for the widest possible distribution.
Thank you for participating in the Voluntary Protection Program."