Each week we want to highlight a workshop from our Conference's agenda so our participants know what to expect for our 2016 VPPPA Region II Conference. Today we will highlight the workshop Consensus Stantards & Legal Impact. To have more information about other workshops access our Agenda page where you can find the list of all workshops we will have during our conference.
The Consensus Standards & Legal Impact workshop will discuss how and why OSHA uses consensus standards from industry groups (such as ANSI, ASME, IIAR, and API) in enforcement. Some OSHA standards directly reference particular consensus standards. Other OSHA standards, and OSHA’s General Duty Clause, contemplate that an employer will be guided by accepted practices in his industry. The workshop will also address the interplay between revisions to industry standards and OSHA enforcement. We’ll talk about how you can use consensus standards in your workplaces to enhance safety and health, and how those of you who sit on industry committees are impacting OSHA enforcement through the standards you adopt.
Suzanne Demitrio Campbell
Senior Trial Attorney
U.S. Department of Labor, Office of the Solicitor
Steve Kaplan
Assistant Regional Administrator - Enforcement Programs
U.S. Department of Labor OSHA