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6th Annual National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction

"The 6th annual National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction ( ) is quickly approaching. OSHA, NIOSH, and CPWR are encouraging employers to participate during the week of May 6-10, 2019. This fall prevention effort, in conjunction with Construction Safety Week ( ), is a great time for employers and associations to set aside time to have open discussions with employees or members about falls and how to prevent them. Falls from heights decreased from 2016 to 2017, but remain the leading cause of death with 366 fatalities (2017 BLS statistics). Those deaths were preventable.

Over the past five years, thousands of companies participated in the National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction reaching millions of employees across the United States and internationally. With your help we can continue to raise awareness of fall hazards and methods of prevention to decrease the number of deaths and injuries related to falls. We encourage employers to:

· PLAN ahead to get the job done safely;

· PROVIDE the right equipment; and,

· TRAIN everyone to use the equipment safely

Any size or type company can hold a Stand-Down. Construction, as well as general industry stakeholders and government industry participate in this event each year. Companies as small as 1 or 2 employees have found the Stand-Down beneficial. If your employees work at height or are exposed to falls, you have a vested interest in standing down your operations to emphasize fall protection or other safety-related topics.

Over the last eight years of the campaign, OSHA, NIOSH, CPWR, and the NORA (National Occupational Research Agenda) Construction Sector Council have created a number of resources that you can use during the Stand-Down and year-round. Some new resources and materials added this year include:

CPWR’s Written Fall Protection & Rescue Plan ( ) – Developing and implementing a detailed fall protection plan is essential to protect all workers at risk for a fall. Use any and all sections that are applicable to your jobsite(s).

5-Day Stand-Down Plan ( )– Not sure where to get started? Follow our 5-Day plan to participate all week long, or simply handpick a few daily activities from the list.

Social Media Guide ( ) – Want to promote the Stand-Down with your members or constituents? Check out the suggested social media posts in our 2019 Stand-Down Social Media Guide.

New and updated infographics ( ) from NIOSH, CPWR and NORA – these make great posters for the jobsite, covering topics such as demographics and statistics on fatal falls in construction, suspension trauma, fall clearance calculations, NIOSH’s aerial lift simulator, and more.

Resources from all three organizations are free to download, and we encourage you to use them to promote fall prevention as well as many other safety related topics. Visit for new 2019 posters, public events listings, information on contacting your regional Stand-Down coordinator, certificates of participation, and more from OSHA. Visit for NIOSH tools and resources, including Stand-Down materials and videos, the Aerial Lift Simulator (now for scissor and boom lifts!), and information about the Ladder Safety App. And finally, visit for everything you need to conduct a Stand-Down, including worker handouts and materials from all three organizations, Success Stories from past Stand-Downs, detailed fatality maps, a hardhat sticker order form, and the annual 5-Day Stand-Down Plan.

As in previous years, participants can receive formal Stand-Down recognition by completing a short online survey, and then printing a certificate. We use the survey information in aggregate only (with no individual identifying information) to help us define “success”, and to assist us in improving future Stand-Downs. We encourage you to share your story and how the Stand-Down affected your workplace in the survey or at Information about how to get your certificate can be found at: You can begin your participation in the 2019 Stand-Down, complete the survey, and print your certificate as early as May 4. Certificates will be available to print until the end of June 2019.

Thank you for participating in the Voluntary Protection Program."

-Richard Brown

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