Norman Deitch AED Outreach Fund
In 2007 Norman Deitch retired from OSHA after 27 years of service. Norman also served as the Region II VPP Manager for 18 years. One of Norman’s passions is to foster the use of AEDs to help save lives. In his honor, the Region II VPPPA Board of Directors established the “Norman Deitch AED Fund”.
The Board is again soliciting donations from members to purchase AEDs for worthwhile community groups in honor of Norman Deitch’s many years of service. Donations of any amount will be accepted and appreciated.
A company can make a recommendation for a worthy non-profit organization in their area to receive an AED. Examples of acceptable organizations include: Police, Fire, or EMS departments, churches, youth groups such as Scouts or Little League, social groups such as the Elks or Knights of Columbus, and veteran groups such as the VFW or American Legion.

Make a Donation Today
Call us today for information on how to send your donation or email us.
Email: | Phone: 518-747-2390 ext. 217
Help us make a difference in helping others save lives!
Stick Out Your Wrist, and Save a Life
The Region II of the VPPPA, has sponsored an AED FUND for several years. By purchasing one of our bracelets, you help purchase an AED. It is with a simple and small thing like buying a bracelet for only $20 that can mean the world to someone else. Make a difference!
All money will be donated to the VPPPA organization in order to help on safety for workers all over USA.
We have a limited quantity so don't let this oportunity pass.
Material donated by Access Compliance.