Meet Our Workshop Presenters!

Survive a VPP Evaluation
Presented by Brian Bennett and Norman Deitch (EHS Excellence Consulting, LLC)
Are you worried about your upcoming OSHA VPP evaluation? This workshop will prepare attendees for their initial and follow-up OSHA VPP onsite evaluations. The speakers will discuss the evaluation process, from the opening conference through the VPP award celebration. The presentation will include specific information to help you prepare for and manage the evaluation. It will address what written materials will likely be reviewed, what areas will be focused on during the walk around inspection of the workplace, and how the interviews will be conducted. Ideas and suggestions to facilitate the evaluation process will be presented, with an emphasis on the fact that no two evaluations are the same.
This workshop will be held Tuesday, June 25, in Bossa Nova 1, from 8:00 – 9:30 am

Remember 40
Presented by Steve Lester, Mike Riley and Keith Hender (Covanta Camden)
This workshop is about a mobile equipment fatality that occurred at our Camden Facility in 2007 and how it changed the safety culture here. Forty (40) was the nickname of the gentleman who passed away. We will discuss the vast improvement of safety on the tipping floor and the process to get there. We will explain how it happened and how the culture change led us down the road to VPP. We will share our improvements and best practices that have come from the process, along with some initiatives that came from assessing areas we thought were good but needed to be changed. It will be about how the continuous improvement concept of VPP helped us discover better ways of doing things by having employees become SGE’s and by sharing the best practices of other companies. We will be discussing tipping floor improvements and many of these areas listed: OSHA regulations/compliance, emergency response, health/medical, construction safety, VPP, hourly, DoD, transportation, and general health, safety, or environmental.
This workshop will be held Tuesday, June 25, in Bossa Nova 2, from 8:00 – 9:30 am

Service Animal in the Workplace
Presented by Suzanne Farrell, Randy Fox and Kathryn Vaccaro (Ortho Clinical Diagnostics)
In 2016, Ortho Clinical Diagnostics developed a policy on the use of service animals. An employee who is highly sensitive to various allergens onsite has a service dog that can forewarn the employee is about to suffer a severe reaction to chemicals onsite so early treatment can be administered. The workshop will describe the issue and how the various departments in the facility worked collectively to develop a written Service Animal Policy that has been adopted throughout the organization.
This workshop will be held Tuesday, June 25, in Bossa Nova 3, from 8:00 – 9:30 am

Static Grounding & Bonding​
Presented by Peter McMenamin (Newson Gale, Inc. IEP Technologies)
For any person responsible for the safety of employees, colleagues, plant equipment and plant property, one of the most potentially confusing aspects of providing a safe operating environment is trying to determine if that site’s manufacturing or handling processes have the potential to discharge static sparks into flammable or combustible atmospheres.
Fortunately, there are several internationally recognized standards that provide guidance on ways to limit electrostatic hazards, enabling those responsible for worker health and safety to minimize the risk of static discharges. Hazardous area operators who can demonstrate compliance with these standards will go a long way to providing a safe working environment and preventing the ignition of ignitable atmospheres. The most comprehensive standards are:
NFPA 77: Recommended Practice on Static Electricity (2007).
CENELEC CLC/TR 60079-32-1: “Explosive atmospheres -Part 32-1: Electrostatic hazards, guidance” (2015).
API RP 2003: Protection against Ignitions Arising out of Static, Lightning and Stray Currents (2008).
API RP 2219: Safe Operation of Vacuum Trucks in Petroleum Service (2005).
The standards, particularly NFPA 77 and CLC/TR: 60079-32-1, describe a range of processes where static charges can be generated including flow in pipes and hoses; loading & unloading of tank trucks; tank car loading & unloading; filling and dispensing portable tanks, drums and containers; storage tank filling and cleaning; mixing, blending and agitation operations; the conveying of powders and other operations.
The presentation will provide specific information on how static is generated, potential risk, standards for regulating the hazards of static electricity and industry standards for minimizing risks.
This workshop will be held Tuesday, June 25, in Bongo 1, From 8:00 – 9:30 am

Special Government Employee Workshop
Presented by Richard Brown (US DOL OSHA VPP Manager)
The Special Government Employee (SGE) Program was established to allow industry employees to work alongside OSHA during Voluntary Protection Programs' (VPP) On-Site evaluations. This innovative program gives industry and government an opportunity to work together and share views and ideas. This workshop will describe the program’s requirements and the benefits that are available for current SGEs. We will discuss the different SGE Qualifying Activities, how to volunteer for an assignment, and SGE Ethics during an evaluation. Workshop participants can ask questions about current policy and our procedures here in OSHA Region II.
This workshop will be held Tuesday, June 25, in Bossa Nova 1, from 10:00 – 11:30 am

Side by Side: A Successful Safety Program
Presented by Maria Angioletti, Kevin Mihalenko and John Bawiec (Tropicana)
This presentation will take you through the unique role of Union safety representation, managers and supervisors working side by side to operate a safe and efficient distribution warehouse. We will discuss taking employee involvement to the next level through ownership, pride and teamwork. Our team will cover our safety committee, safety token program and our unsafe conditions, near miss and safety suggestion process.
This workshop will be held Tuesday, June 25, in Bossa Nova 2, from 10:00 – 11:30 am

Reactive Chemical Safety​
Presented by Richard Finnegan (Veolia)
A review of health and safety principles for the safe handling and transportation of reactive chemicals. Workshop will focus on dangers of different classes of hazardous materials and safe methods of handling, transportation and disposal of these materials. Workshop will include lessons learned and a hands-on activity.
This workshop will be held Tuesday, June 25, in Bossa Nova 3, from 10:00 – 11:30 am

The "Shocking" Truth: Electrical Safety Survival
Presented by Robert Sagendorf (EII, Inc.)
This hands-on workshop will test your knowledge on electrical hazards in the general and construction industry. You will actively participate in a team environment in electrical hazard recognition and mitigation. Knowledge skills will include LOTO, NFPA 70E, temporary and permanent power, low and high voltage systems, PPE, equipment clearances and safe work practices. This workshop will include a "dynamic" lab to test your skills and knowledge, which will leave you "energized." Are you ready for the challenge?
This workshop will be held Tuesday, June 25, in Bongo 1, from 10:00 – 11:30 am

Best Practices: What Have We Seen?
Presented by Tracy Fitzpatrick (Virginia VPP Central Region Coordinator)
Looking to discover some Best Practice's that other sites are doing? Don't reinvent the wheel. Come and learn about some of the Best Practices that have been discovered during VPP Evaluations. Take some ideas back to your site and share some of your site's Best Practices.
This workshop will be held Tuesday, June 25, in Bossa Nova 1, from 12:30 – 2:00 pm

Dancing with the Stars
Presented by Justin Gattuso, Nicholas Klein and Carson Smith (Solvay Specialty Polymers)
From application to certification...this is our journey to dancing with the stars! We will show you how, through an innovative approach, we made a lasting first impression. We will break down how our site approached the final preparations for our initial onsite inspection. Join us and learn how to dance the night away with zero 90-days.
This workshop will be held Tuesday, June 25, in Bossa Nova 2, from 12:30 – 2:00 pm

Aerial Work Platforms & Fall Protection
Presented by Mathew and Randy White, (L.G. White Safety Corporation)
L.G. White Safety Corporation’s’ Presentation will cover both Aerial Work Platform and Fall Protection information. The Aerial Work Platform portion of the course will cover OSHA standards, pre-use inspections, types of aerial lifts, training requirements, selecting the right lift, inspections, safety and shutdown procedures, and fall protection while working on an aerial lift. The Fall Protection portion of the course will cover OSHA standards for railings, safety nets, covers, and personal fall arrest systems. The course will also include information about fall protection equipment inspections, ABCD’s of fall protection, and the difference between active and passive fall protection solutions. L.G. White Safety will bring to the course examples of commercially available fall protection equipment for demonstration.
This workshop will be held Tuesday, June 25, in Bossa Nova 3, from 12:30 – 2:00 pm

70E Awareness Training - Part 1
*To receive certificate of completion, attendees must attend both part 1 and part 2.*
Presented by Kevin O'Brien (Access Compliance)
This workshop will take a detailed look at both the NFPA 70 and OSHA Subpart S. Upon on completion attendees should be able to:
·Identify electrical hazards and appropriate control measures.
·Establish limits of approach
·The limits of PPE
·Determine incident energy and arc flash boundary
·The adverse consequences of failure to comply
This workshop will be held Tuesday, June 25, in Bongo 1, from 12:30 – 2:00 pm

Meet the OSHA Region 2 Compliance Assistance Specialists
Presented by Mike Corbett, Robert Colman, & Gordon DeLeys (OSHA)
Part 1 of this workshop describes OSHA’s new approach to outreach in Region 2. As leaders in safety and health, VPP worksites play a key role in this process by reaching out and motivating others to act, ultimately making workplaces safer. Part 2 of the workshop focuses on Region 2’s Compliance Assistance Specialists’ other role as VPP Evaluation Team Leaders, including their insights from recent evaluations and may include an interesting anecdote or two.
This workshop will be held Tuesday, June 25, in Bossa Nova 1, from 2:15 – 3:45 pm

The Ripple Effect ...The Impact of Unsafe Work Acts
Presented by Kayla Rath (Safety Difference)
Kayla Rath was nine years old when a decision her dad made at work nearly cost him his life. She tells the riveting story of what it is like to be pulled from school only to be told she may never see her father again. She walks the audience through what it is like for a child when an unsafe decision causes a dad to not come home. From the first night alone, to growing up with a handicapped father, Kayla speaks to the often ignored truth that decisions made on the worksite cause a Ripple Effect in the lives of the family.
This workshop will be held Tuesday, June 25, in Bossa Nova 2, from 2:15 – 3:45 pm
Improving Manual Valve Operation Ergonomics
Presented by Ravi Jarecha (Paulsboro Refining Company)
Using injury trend analysis, manual valve operation was identified as a cause of injuries at the Refinery. A plan was then put into place to reduce the ergonomic risk factors – force, frequency and posture.
Participants will understand the value of data trend analysis, and implementation of engineering and administrative controls to reduce manual valve injuries.
This workshop will be held Tuesday, June 25, in Bossa Nova 3, from 2:15 – 3:45 pm

70E Awareness Training - Part 2
*To receive certificate of completion, attendees must attend both part 1 and part 2.*
Presented by Kevin O'Brien (Access Compliance)
This workshop will take a detailed look at both the NFPA 70 and OSHA Subpart S. Upon on completion attendees should be able to:
·Identify electrical hazards and appropriate control measures.
·Establish limits of approach
·The limits of PPE
·Determine incident energy and arc flash boundary
·The adverse consequences of failure to comply
This workshop will be held Tuesday, June 25, in Bongo 1, from 2:15 – 3:45 pm

Strengthening Star Quality *Bonus Post Forum Workshop*
Presented by Robert Brynes, Vice Chapter Chairperson, (Wheelabrator) and Brenda Wiederkehr, CSC, (Access Compliance)
This workshop will go over questions such as Just Maintaining? Or what is OSHA seeing? It will also look at what the recertification findings have been showing with Employee Involvement, Hazard Prevention & Control, and Safety & Health Training. It will give ideas of what to do. Reasons why to still participate in VPP. We will have breakout groups to help work on these findings. There will also be a review of Best practices. It will also review the common 90-day items!
This workshop will be held Wednesday, June 26th from 8 am to 4 pm. Room TBA; 68th Floor, Havana Tower

Respirable Crystalline Silica *Bonus Post Forum Workshop*
Presented by Kevin O'Brien (Access Compliance)
This workshop will clearly identify the health hazards associated with respirable crystalline silica exposure. How are employees exposed? What activities put workers at increased risk? What control measures can be put in place to limit exposure? When is air sampling required? How is Table 1 used to develop safe work practices? We will tackle the questions and more. This course is designed to provide a solid foundation in the essential elements of the standard. The particulate in question is 100 times smaller than a grain of sand. The adverse health effects (ex. Silicosis, lung cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) is 100% preventable. This will cover both the Construction 29 CFR 1926.1153 & the General Industry Standards 29 CFR 1910.1053.
This workshop will be held Wednesday, June 26th from 8 am to 4 pm. Room TBA; 68th Floor, Havana Tower