VPPPA Region II 2018 Safety Forums
SGE of the Year

Congratulations to Ronald Rogers for being chosen the 2018 SGE of the Year Nominee! Ronald was also chosen SGE of the Year in 2016!

Meeting Minutes
Region 2 VPPPA Membership Meeting -- June 25, 2018
Region 2 Business Meeting: June 25, 2018, started at 4:00 pm. Meeting was opened by Brenda Wiederkehr, Motion by Kevin Mihalenko to open meeting at 4:00pm, motion was seconded by Robert Brynes.
Board Members in Attendance:
Brenda Wiederkehr, Robert Brynes, Kevin Mihalenko, Kevin O’Brien, John Bawiec, Michael Bell, William DePuy and Paul Kniskern
Board Members Absent:
Brian Bennett
Secretary’s Report:
A review of the February 2018 minutes was undertaken. A motion was made by Robert Brynes and seconded by Kevin O’Brien to approve the minutes as written.
Treasurer’s Report:
Kevin O’Brien presented the treasurers report. He identified that the businesses finances were audited last year and no abnormalities were discovered. He reviewed the balance sheets and profit and loss statements as of June 22, 2018. Net Income was negative at $22,679.39. Conference Expenses for 2017 Conference was posted after the Fiscal Year closed and was the primary cause for reported loss. Current Assets were reported at $76,219.52. A motion to approve the financial report was made by Robert Brynes and seconded by Brenda Wiederkehr.
Mentor Committee:
Kevin O’Brien gave an update of the activity going on:
Ultra Electronics (Mike Novello) - Assigned Mentor Bartell Machinery Systems (Mike Magnanti)
Burberry (Russell Delre) – Assigned Mentor Tropicana (Kevin Mihalenko)
Honeywell (Matt Kandefer) – Assigned Mentor Olin Corporation (Frank Cefalu)
Buckhead Beef (Russell Talmadge) – Assigned Mentor Tropicana (Kevin Mihalenko)
Labor Management Committee:
William DePuy – Nothing to report
AED Committee:
Brenda Wiederkehr expressed we are currently looking for next location to place one.
Chairman’s Update:
Brenda Wiederkehr discussed the challenges we have been through over the last several years and the choices of moving towards two smaller forums, along with smaller venues at different locations throughout our region. We chose to have them of course here at the Tropicana and one in Saratoga Springs in the fall. That our region is moving into the right direction with the back logs of audited sites being caught up. She expressed the gratitude and thanks for all the support from the the board members, trustees, and membership through these difficult times to get Region 2 back on track despite the obstacles we have faced.
The floor was opened and there was no opposition for any of the available positions.
Chairman Robert Brynes ran unopposed
Brenda Wiederkehr Cast One Vote, Dominic Bruno Opened, Paul Kniskern Second.
Treasurer Kevin O’Brien ran unopposed
Brenda Wiederkehr Cast One Vote, Paul Kniskern Opened, Dominic Bruno Second.
Director at Large John Bawiec ran unopposed
Robert Brynes Cast One Vote, Dominic Bruno Opened, Paul Kniskern Second
Director at Large Brenda Wiederkehr ran unopposed
Robert Brynes Cast One Vote, Dominic Bruno Opened, Paul Kniskern Second
Elections were closed. A motion was made by Robert Brynes and Seconded by Kevin Milhalenko.
The Cynthia Mahoney Region II SGE of the Year - Ron Rogers from DA Collins Companies
VPP Star Plaque Presentations:
New VPP Merit
McWane Ductile, Phillipsburgh, NJ
Veolia, Schenectady, NY
New VPP Star
Bartell Machinery in Rome, NY
Chambers Cogeneration, Carneys Point, NJ
North Jersey Energy Associates, Sayreville, NJ
Re-Approval VPP Star
Paulsboro Refining Company, Paulsboro, NJ
Other Business:
A Big thanks to our volunteers this year: Paula Wunderlich, Grace Irby, Jean Bruno and John Hutson.
New Business:
There was an open floor for new business: no new business to discuss.
Brenda Wiederkehr made a motion to close the meeting, seconded by Robert Brynes. Meeting was adjourned at 4:36pm.
Meeting was held according to Roberts Rules of Order.
Minutes Submitted by: Kevin Mihalenko, Secretary